Off the boat

The past few weeks have been a departure from our regularly scheduled programming and to say that I am itchy to get back sailing is an understatement. When we picked up Positive Waves in France last summer, our original plans were to spend the first year sailing (and skiing) in Norway in the winter and then a summer in Sweden before we headed south to the Canaries. The pandemic, of course, had different plans for us. We were fortunate to stay in Sweden for most of the past year. The pandemic, however, showed it's double-edged sword: we were in Sweden but we couldn't see family or friends. Once we returned in May, fully vaccinated and with a lot of family either fully vaxxed or have had at least one jab, we hopped off the boat and spent three weeks visiting family.

on the ferry leaving PW, heading to the airport.

The first request was from the kids--they wanted to spend time at the summer cottage with their Farmor and Farfar and NOT their parents. We put them on a flight from Stockholm to Umea and Hans and I spent five days kid-free in Stockholm. What did we do? Slept. Ate. Drank. Didn't pay attention to the time or if we had food for dinner. Met up with friends. Went to a museum. Adult, non-kid, city stuff. It was fun, and a little surreal. 

We've been brainstorming a shade awning for PW and Hans's idea was confirmed by this massive sailboat docked in Stockholm. I unabashedly took a lot of pictures for reference!


a view of Stockholm's City Hall, where they give out the Nobel Prizes.

After our kid-free hiatus, we spent a week at the summer cottage where the weather gradually went from OK to pretty terrible. The days were either foggy or drizzly or raining. But we made the best of it because, as all sailors know, you can't control the weather, only your mood. Matilda and I did a puzzle together, we read a lot, watched the Euro Cup men's soccer matches, watched movies, played Yahtzee, etc. etc. Regardless of the weather, we always have a good time at stugan because it really is heaven on earth.

A few sunny days with cousins!

Stugan's sewing circle. Freja was making Matilda a beret out of an old towel. Hans puts his fancy pants doctor education to good use.

Time to trim the bangs!

How many layers are we wearing in June?! Sitting outside by the fire (smoker).

Matilda helping Hans construct a smoker.

time for Swedish nachos!

Hans flew from Umea to the States to work; the kids and I flew back to Stockholm where Hans's sister picked us up at the airport in her fancy new Tesla. The kids were blown away! We celebrated Midsommar with family and friends and then planned on a day or two longer before we went back to the boat.

Unfortunately, Freja got pretty sick with a high fever and a variety of other symptoms. After over a year of trying to avoid germs at all costs, our new social activities caught up with us and poor Freja got the brunt of it. I gave her a at-home covid test which thankfully was negative and we just tried to take the positive angle that she is immune-building. Plus, we got lots of extra cousin time!

The midsommar celebration in the little village. Usually there are hay rides and traditional dancing around the pole, but because of the pandemic everyone sat with their own family groups and had coffee and cake.

A couple days after the fever broke, we headed back to Positive Waves. After almost three weeks away from home, we were really ready to be back. We took a train to Gothenburg which was fast, clean, punctual, and smooth. Train travel is hands-down one of my most favorite ways to travel. I immediately started brainstorming possible train vacations. And I'm also reading Paul Theroux's The Great Railway Bazaar, so I was already inspired to like the train journey.

Maybe Freja should apply for the Amtrak writers' grant. She worked on her WWII spy novel for most of the journey. (We left the tablets on PW; it was a wonderful break. (my opinion, the kids will tell you otherwise!)

We've been back aboard for over a week now and are settled in, enjoying the summer weather and the swimming, doing boat maintenance and chores, and patiently (and not-so-patiently) waiting from Hans to return. He lands tomorrow morning and, after an engine service and a visit from his sister and kids, we'll be on our way south, finally setting off, sailing, cruising, voyaging on our boat. 

Never fun to see this on the radar when you're away from the boat. PW is docked right under the yellow radar image.

The carbon filter for the vent line for the holding tank. Yech.

Matilda found a friend on the boat next door and they played non-stop all afternoon and the next morning. It was fun listening to their combination Swedish-English (Swenglish).

Perfect summer weather!

Matilda's creation.

Without a car, and with the shops a solid 20 minute walk away, I've been using the kids' scooters to schlep stuff from the store or the post office. Here's our sewing machine that we'll put to good use soon.

The kids caught me napping, and of course took a photo.

Trying out the local skate park.

Fika in Gothenburg before the science museum.

Varnishing the cockpit table.
Thankfully it's our only piece of brightwork on the boat. I'll apply the 6th and final coat tomorrow morning.

The trapeze has provided endless entertainment.

And the kids have learned how to hoist themselves up and down and use the clutch and winch correctly.

On the ferry en route to Gothenburg. Soon we'll be traveling via our own hull again.


  1. Catching up on your adventures! Lots of great photos. Looks like you are making the most of being close to family! Glad you got some kid-free time to be free-wheeling cruisers again for a few days! Fun! And really glad F. is okay and not covid-related. Keep on posting! We are living vicariously! <3

  2. PS. The shade awning is a good idea. Peter sewed something similar out of an old sail we had onboard when we first reached Panama and it was sooo hot! It made a huge difference. Also, we found some asymmetrical type of mesh thingy we rigged up over the bow area. (think the sail shade we had at Pier 3 over the patio). That sewing machine is going to be busy!


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