Not sailing but still exploring
Not sailing but still exploring seems to be our current theme since November. We arrived in Lagos, Portugal toward the end of November for an indefinite stay, but we estimated we'd leave after the holidays. It's late February and we're still in Lagos, going on 3 months now. That is not a long period of time, especially when we also factor in holidays, work, and winter weather, but sitting still at a marina is not my favorite way to spend my time. I feel stagnant, like I'm stuck in a rut. We're supposed to be cruising, right? But instead we're just sitting still, getting used to unlimited water and power all while accumulating growth on the hull. So it's been a good exercise for me to look through some photos and see what has actually been keeping us occupied. We've been busy, and even though the boat is stuck at the dock, we're still exploring. We officially start the Christmas season on December 1st when I pull out the decorations. From that point...